Assessment and mapping of ecosystem services

Project name: Development of methods for assessment and mapping of ecosystem services of marine and inland waters

Funder: EEA Grants and Norway Grants

Project duration:  july 2014 – march 2016


Project manager: Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation
Aija Kosk,  aija.kosk@


Estonian University of Life Sciences 

University of Tartu, Estonian Marine Institute 

Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University 

Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, 

Estonian Environment Agency 

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research 


The project 's overall aim is to contribute to decrease of biodiversity loss in riverine habitats and of ecosystems in the European Union. 

To reach the goals: 

- the methodologies of mapping and assessing marine and inland water ecosystem services will be developed

-  list of environmental indicators for monitoring ecosystem services will be compiled

- monetary values of pilot water bodies will be found 

-  recommendations for the assessment methods for ecosystem services will be worked out. 

These first level outcomes are needed, to move on with the next steps in achieving biodiversity strategic objectives can be taken.

Important part of the project is to disseminate information, to increase public awareness on biodiversity and ecosystem service in Estonia. Since the concept of ecosystem services follows socio-economic approach, there is a high probability that the wider community understands better the need for conservation and protection of ecosystems. Project will be implemented in close cooperation and consultations with the European Union and Norwegian experts. Special attention will be paid to the cooperation with Estonian research institutions and environmental agencies, which allows to achieve better results in the protection of biodiversity at regional level.

Ecosystems and their services

An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and the non livingenvironment, interacting as a functional unit (  

 Humans are an integral part of ecosystems. 
Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems. These include provisioning services such as food and water; regulating services such as flood and disease control; cultural services such as spiritual, recreational, and cultural benefits; and supporting services, such as nutrient cycling, that maintain the conditions for life on Earth. 
People seek many services from ecosystems and thus perceive the condition of an ecosystem in relation to its ability to provide desired services.

Project events

1. Kick-off seminar; 30 Septmber 2014, in Tallinn


EU and Estonia; challenges – where and how to meet each other -Iiska van Dijk 

Ecosystem services from Norwegian watersheds – assessment and valuation- Odd Terje 


2. Monthly project partner meetings

3. Focus groups with stakeholders - February-September 2015

4. Study tour to Norway, partner meeting in Trondheim - April 2015.

Press release

5. Project final conference; 24 November  in Tartu. Program

6. Project final report, summary in English


Partner meeting in Trondheim; 22 April 2015:

1. Introduction - Aija Kosk, Peipsi CTC

2.Estonian lakes. Relations between lake services and status - Ingmar Ott, Estonian University of Life Sciences.

3.  Mapping Ecosystem services of Estonian lakes, rivers, bays - Siiri Römer 

4.  Assessment and mapping of ecosystem services Rivers -  Sirje Vilbaste 

5. Ecosystem indicators - Jaanus Terasmaa

6.  Hydropower in Norway –economy vs. ecology - Odd Terje Sandlund 

7. Integrated assessment of ecosystem services –a case study of lake eutrophication; David N. Barton(NINA), Alexander Engebretsen(UiO), Koji Tominaga(UiO, Jannicke Moe (NIVA), Eirik Romstad (UMB)

8. Development of methods for assessment and mapping of ecosystem services of marine waters -  Robert Aps